Saturday, April 26, 2008

Where did the hair go?

My hair is short now, now i have to adjust, ALOT, to my new (old) hairstyle again. Brings back memories, about how i hated my hair in the past, but now its time to face it. Real scary when i looked at the floor, and the hair on the ground is a few times more than the hair on my head.

"Rejoice at what you gained, instead of mourning on what you lost. Its a balance."
At least i made the world a slightly happier place.

Friday, April 11, 2008

Time is running out

Finally!! I woke up with a serious headache today, and didn't know why, I worried myself to sleep last night as my guitar was at the clubhouse and they were going to clean the clubhouse this afternoon and i didn't know how. When i woke up, i had a headache.
And just! Just when i typed out the title for this post i remembered my dream, I had three assignments due for this holiday and i didn't have enough time to finish them, that probably gave me the headache.
The assignments, were part of the dream, the headache, was real.
Time is running out. Muse:)